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Howlin' Wolf Records: SIX STRINGS [Volume 01]

Issuing in the new year with changes, hopefully for the better... better is better.

Here like we have said, it's a compilation of this website's items compiled... compressed into something more and we hope you stick around for all the changes. It's going to be a free styled magazine for those of you who like the read without all the fluff as this site has become. We want to give you what is out there, what is cool... who is cool and to do this we give you "SIX STRINGS". Featuring music, film, book, interviews, etc. hopefully you will find something great within the pages.

It will be on AMAZON soon, once we figure out how to give it to you for free right now (when cleared) it's .99... So here is a link for you all to download the .pdf edition for free, now you are welcome to make a donation if you want.


Thank you all, please share... like and comment!
Jeremy [The Wolf] 

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