"THE WITCHING SEASON" Music by Randin Graves and Slasher Dave. American horror anthology series created by Michael Ballif, written and directed by Ballif and James Morris, and produced by Morris, Allen Bradford, Jordan Swenson, and Parker Marcroft. The series consists of five interlocking segments that revolve around the Halloween season. Each episode, fueled by nostalgia, pays tribute to a different genre of horror. The score for The Witching Season is composed by Randin Graves and Slasher Dave.
LIVE INSIDE US" Music by Randin Graves. American independent horror
film adaptation of episode #4 of The Witching Season anthology series.
The feature film is directed by Michael Ballif and produced by Ballif,
James Morris, Allen Bradford, and Jordan Swenson. A father and daughter
spend Halloween night in the notoriously haunted Booth House with the
father hoping to find inspiration for a new writing project, only to
discover hidden secrets more sinister than either could imagine. The
score for They Live Inside Us is composed by award-winning composer and
multi-instrumentalist Randin Graves.
Jeremy [Six Strings]
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