i am writing this for two reasons...
one forgot how much fun this film was and all the memories it had, and with the 20th anniversary behind us know i thought i would mention this film "the monster squad". my wife and i were at best buy as we sometimes do when there is nothing worthy to our attention in the movie theaters. we go look for that something movie that is cheap [under 10.00 bucks] that we would like to see or movies i said we got to watch this. for $5.00 dollars here is one of those great 2 dvd set, and i said honey here it is look no further... it has all the great stuff a movie should have... great characters, great lines, and oh the monsters. now we also bought season 2 of sarah connor chronicles for $16.99, which is awesome in it's self.
back to the the monster squad, we watched it and it was great walk down the proverbial lane... i quickly put in the second dvd to watch the extras... wanted to see what those kids were up to today... three were still acting or performing, one was m.i.a. ... and sadly one passed away at the young age of 22. now i was very upset, cause when you watch these once kids get back together you hope that their lives were positive and moving forward. okay i did a little location research, not a lot just a little, maybe you can add some more...
i love this movie and feel if you have not seen it or it's been a long time since the last time you have seen it... i recommend you get the dvd.
so i give out the memory of brent chalem - horace [rest in piece] he died of pneumonia in 1997.
ashley bank - phoebe - http://www.myspace.com/ashleybank
duncan regehr - dracula - http://www.duncanregehrfineart.com/main.htm
tom noonan - monster - http://tomnoonan.com/
the second reason i have joined the "Horror Blogger Alliance", which is our way and tribute to horror films if it be art, film reviews or anything we feel you ought to know. so i encourage you to check out our members sites, join keep in the loop of horror things! [link to the right]