“Deceit” is a British four-part television drama miniseries, based on the true story of a controversial undercover operation carried out by the Metropolitan Police in 1992. Niamh Algar stars as the undercover police officer, code-named "Lizzie James", who attempts to entrap Colin Stagg, the police's prime suspect.
Using a multitude of tools, both of an instrumental nature & others not so conventional, Marc Canham’s otherworldly film scores, compositions & various collaborations paint an ever so effective and vivid imagery, inviting listeners into a sublime aural journey.
With a sound palette that traverses vast sonic terrains, Canham’s bespoke aural alchemy is the result of seamlessly blending the acoustic & electronic realms, experimenting with unorthodox audio oddities and discovering the curious nuances and unpredictability of sound. Exploring innumerable sonic colors, textures and forms, these passages range from solitary moments of reflective quietude to grand walls of immense and mesmeric sound.
Canham’s approach has resulted in a body of work that has received great acclaim and recognition within the worlds of film, art and interactive soundtracks; including the recently completed film score to ‘I Care A Lot’, the Netflix Original feature film 'CLOSE', ‘The Disappearance of Alice Creed’ and ‘Burn Burn Burn’, in addition to the internationally acclaimed ‘The Danger Tree’ augmented reality art installation.
Ethereal ambience, dark mysticism & futuristic elements all effortlessly fuse in Canham’s creations, consistently crafting a micro-cosmos for the audience to immerse themselves within.
Lakeshore Records works with the most respected, award-winning artists and composers such as Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, Nicholas Britell, Hans Zimmer, Grimes, Common, Jonny Greenwood, Mica Levi, Tim Hecker, Hildur Gudnadóttir, Sam Slater, Willie Nelson, Alexandre Desplat, Nick Cave and Warren Ellis, Run the Jewels, PJ Harvey, Philip Glass, Aloe Blacc, Willie Nelson, Rhiannon Ghiddens, Daniel Lanois, Nicholas Britell, Ziggy Marley, Danny Elfman, Giorgio Moroder, Aska Matsumiya, Clint Mansell, Bootsie Collins, Thomas Newman, Kris Bowers, Cliff Martinez, Randy Newman, James Horner, Gunship, Mark Isham, Kathryn Bostic, Carter Burwell, Bear McCreary, Emile Mosseri, Rolfe Kent, Josh Homme, Gustavo Santaolalla, Nina Kraviz, Dario Marianelli, Mark Mothersbaugh, The JBs, Gazelle Twin, Mary J. Blige, Christophe Beck, Rachel Portman, Amanda Jones, Jeff Russo, Henry Jackman, Marco Beltrami, Ben Lovett, Keegan Dewitt and many many more.
For more information, visit:
With a sound palette that traverses vast sonic terrains, Canham’s bespoke aural alchemy is the result of seamlessly blending the acoustic & electronic realms, experimenting with unorthodox audio oddities and discovering the curious nuances and unpredictability of sound. Exploring innumerable sonic colors, textures and forms, these passages range from solitary moments of reflective quietude to grand walls of immense and mesmeric sound.
Canham’s approach has resulted in a body of work that has received great acclaim and recognition within the worlds of film, art and interactive soundtracks; including the recently completed film score to ‘I Care A Lot’, the Netflix Original feature film 'CLOSE', ‘The Disappearance of Alice Creed’ and ‘Burn Burn Burn’, in addition to the internationally acclaimed ‘The Danger Tree’ augmented reality art installation.
Ethereal ambience, dark mysticism & futuristic elements all effortlessly fuse in Canham’s creations, consistently crafting a micro-cosmos for the audience to immerse themselves within.
Lakeshore Records works with the most respected, award-winning artists and composers such as Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, Nicholas Britell, Hans Zimmer, Grimes, Common, Jonny Greenwood, Mica Levi, Tim Hecker, Hildur Gudnadóttir, Sam Slater, Willie Nelson, Alexandre Desplat, Nick Cave and Warren Ellis, Run the Jewels, PJ Harvey, Philip Glass, Aloe Blacc, Willie Nelson, Rhiannon Ghiddens, Daniel Lanois, Nicholas Britell, Ziggy Marley, Danny Elfman, Giorgio Moroder, Aska Matsumiya, Clint Mansell, Bootsie Collins, Thomas Newman, Kris Bowers, Cliff Martinez, Randy Newman, James Horner, Gunship, Mark Isham, Kathryn Bostic, Carter Burwell, Bear McCreary, Emile Mosseri, Rolfe Kent, Josh Homme, Gustavo Santaolalla, Nina Kraviz, Dario Marianelli, Mark Mothersbaugh, The JBs, Gazelle Twin, Mary J. Blige, Christophe Beck, Rachel Portman, Amanda Jones, Jeff Russo, Henry Jackman, Marco Beltrami, Ben Lovett, Keegan Dewitt and many many more.
For more information, visit:
Jeremy [Six Strings]
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