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Kick-Ass... and the Buzz Will Be!

From out of nowhere comes this little spitfire and the review of "Kick-Ass"...

As I am guessing today all the news channels will get their own personal hits in on the character "Hit Girl", because the level of violence this 13 year old girl. As I will call her little Quentin Tarantino, as if told from a Pulp Fiction perspective. Hollywood violence and storyline did not stop this movie, now the film was not number one... probably for the "R" rating. I stress this is not a kid movie, it is not meant to be a kid movie, though it being based around a kid cast.

Did I like it, well yes I did... one I like super-hero based films, I like zombie based films and I did enjoy the style and fun references. Wait I know you are saying I mentioned "zombie", no there were none... I am making a reference to the violence. So if you like this type of violence and the trailer intrigues you... then see it, if not go see "How To Train A Dragon"...


youngelfman said...

I really want to see this - my question is - do I go to the theater or do I wait for the DVD? I think The Corpse Bride is the last film I saw in a theater, and yes this does confirm that I am the one person on the planet that has not seen "Avatar." James Cameron is currently chasing me down and it is very annoying - he is calling me daily! LOL.

Unknown said...

wait, i am sure the dvd extras are much more interesting than 15 bucks for a large popcorn... this is one i will own for the modern day pulp-ish feel...

Unknown said...

ps. i do want to see avatar, no interest. i would rather watch "the abyss"...

youngelfman said...

So don't tell me there are two of us who have not seen "Avatar"

That is pretty amazing! I feel equally uninspired to see it - I am sure I will check it out on DVD just because...

Well like you said I will probably wait and see this on DVD - the few scenes I have seen on youtube are enough for me to know I will enjoy at least parts of it - I am surprised it did not do better at the box office its first week but then it is rated R so that limited the younger set who like action flicks from checking it out.

Unknown said...

about avatar, not that does not look amazing... i never saw titanic... i just have "no" interest... i will watch the dvd i am sure...

it became number "1" after a recount, i would wait... i is a fum film...