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21 Questions: Rebekah Brandes [Actress]

Rebekah Brandes
Bridget: Midnight Movie: The Killer Cut

Originally from Baltimore, Rebekah studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Hollywood. Since completing the program, Rebekah has performed in numerous plays, commercials and films. Midnight Movie is her fifth horror film, her most recent being the Lionsgate feature, Grim Reaper. Rebekah recently completed a pilot for Showtime and starred in an original musical revue at the Next Stage theatre.

-Tell us about your career and what you are currently working on or involved with?
My job in this world is to do what I love. I consider myself incredibly lucky in that aspect. Just wrapped filming on “The Romance of Loneliness” with Lynn Cohen in Memphis, and I’m anxiously anticipating the release of “Midnight Movie: The Killer Cut!” on as well as the August 5th theatrical release of the official Sundance selection, “Bellflower”, which my good friends made with their blood, sweat and tears. And a few of mine.

-Is this what you thought you would be doing with your life, what was your first passion?
Absolutely. I would be a triple threat if I had any coordination or could carry a tune.

-To whom do you credit your success to, who gives or gave you the most support?
My parents were both financially and emotionally supportive, if not overjoyed at my choice in career. They are very proud of me, and I wouldn’t have half the opportunities I’ve had in life without them. I think I give myself a lot of support though, So I’ll take a little credit as well

-If you could meet or work with anyone [living or dead], who would that be and why? 
The Beatles, I’d be their muse. I don’t believe any further explanation is necessary.

-What would you like to be remembered for 100 years from now?
Being a good person.

-Who inspires you? 
People who respect others’ feelings as much as their own, and those who respect and value all life, not just human life.

-How are things different today, than the same day 1 year ago? 
Woah, that’s a broad one. I go to Von’s more often.

-What is the last song you bought or listened to in your musical device? 
Lust for Life by Girls

-Last good film you had seen, and the best movie you would recommend to someone asking?  
I liked Inception, the concept was sweet, the eye candy was delicious. I love you Leo. And you too, Joey! Best movie ever??? So Hard! Apocalypse Now…. Its pretty perfect.

-What is the single greatest moment in your life?
Oh I’m sure that’s ever changing, the significance of any particular moment past or future, but some of the happiest moments are maybe… the first time I looked up to see the Hollywood sign from inside Gower Studios on a job. It really felt like a dream come true. And falling in love.

-Favorite Horror Film? 
The Shining…. Of course! Can’t get any scarier than the scene where Danny walks into the room where his mother is sitting after he’s been beaten up. The slow walk, camera on the back of his head, the terrifying strings building in the score. Aaaaaah! I’m also a sucker for The Sixth Sense, though. That one scared the shit out of me.

-Favorite Book?
So hard… my current favorites are Mind Wide Open, and My Stroke of Insight, the classics are The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Consciousness Explained, Gone with the Wind and of course Harry Potter 1-7.

-Favorite Song?
Come on! Among the top are Something, Bell Bottom Blues, Angie, I Will be Grateful for This Day (I Will be Grateful for Each Day to Come), Broken Dreams Club.

-Favorite Film Character?

-Favorite Film Composer?
Penka Kouneva

-Favorite Thing In Your Home?
My dogs.

-Favorite First Pet? 
Clifford the orange cat, the love of my young life.

-Favorite Coffee Or Tea? 
English Breakfast all the way, baby!

-Favorite Phrase? 
Oh, brother!

-Favorite Hiding Place [Not that we are looking]? 

-If you could tell someone something someone told you, "words to live by" what would that be? 
It is what it is.

1 comment:

youngelfman said...

Love the attention this great cast from MIDNIGHT MOVIE is getting! Such an awesome and original genre film and Rebekah Brandes is WOW in MIDNIGHT MOVIE. She demonstrates great range from bearing the emotional and physical scars inflicted by an abusive parent -to- making a scream_queen/heroine more believable and less formulaic -to- portraying the anguish of brutality and torture at the hands of a madman. More, more, more!!! CHECKOUT MIDNIGHT MOVIE THE KILLER CUT ANYONE WHO HAS NOT.