SHOOT FIRST, DIE LATER opens with a large bow tied mafia boss named Pascal having a bunch of local drug dealers shot in the legs for doing business behind his back. Later an eccentric old man tries to leave his house to get milk for his cat but his gate has been blocked by a couple of cars to where he can't get out. This prompts the old man to file a police report. Meanwhile police officer, Domenico (Luc Merenda) busts some gun runners. After being glorified for the bust Domenico gets word to show up to a meeting. That meeting ends up being with Pascal. Domenico is actually working for the mob! They inform Domenico that there was a report filed involving the parked cars that links Pascal to a recent murder. Domenico is to get rid of that report. The problem is that with the escalation of the murder investigation everyone involved with filing that report is now a witness and Domenico knows it. The police officer who wrote down and filed that report just happens to be Domenico's father. CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST!!!
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