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Pirates 4... Arrggghhh!

Now I do not get worked up on movies as I once did... but "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" I cannot wait to see my good old friend Jack Sparrow. I know cast change and certain doom script, but it will be a great.

Here be some set photos of this upcoming movie, I hope there is not to many spoilers...


Jenny Krueger said...

I kinda wish they would just end this franchise, I didn't think it was all that great. They keep dragging out franchises when it should just be over. Hollywood is going down hill with originality.

Unknown said...

i love the pirate thing... all pirate things... and yes it is a nice for the forth one, but at this point disney should just make it a saturday cartoon.

hollywood is funny and just waiting for the next big hit. if there was a billion dollar movie on "bunnies", next year there would be 10 movies on variations about "bunnies"... sad.

though i still love pirates...

thanks for the solid!

Unknown said...

and bunnies...

Unknown said...

i have it... if you didn't see this coming... pirate bunnies... or vampirates... I AM HOLLYWOOD

Jenny Krueger said...


Unknown said...

you are my new favorite...