Get the latest score from Howlin' Wolf Records “DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE”, “HOLIDAY HELL” and “GOOD TID

Horror/Sci-Fi Fans Unite - Howlin' Wolf Records [2011 Upcoming Releases]

Steal Me, and Re-Post Art...

I just got a message from Wall @ Howlin' Wolf Records about some great new "Limited Scores" they will be releasing in the next several months. This label is packing a punch and I am happy to be able to bring the news to you, so I encourage you to getting one or all of these scores. Also please take this post and re-post it on your blog, website, Facebook, etc. I want to get this message heard around the world, who is with me? Please post back here, that you made a mention.

Jeremy [iZombie]


Jenny Krueger said...

Very nice! :)

Julie Ferguson said...

I added it to my FB page and tweeted it too.

Sharon Day said...

Twitter and FB!