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The Blanks: Go Viral...

No instruments, no problem...

The Blanks’ unique original show appeals to fans of “Scrubs” but just as equally to fans of the TV show “Glee,” The Marx Brothers, The Three Stooges, and Monty Python….

News flash: A cappella is hip! Seriously, there’s a growing interest in a cappella music that has crossed over to the MySpace/Facebook generation. It has officially become cool to be in an a cappella band! There are groups springing up on college campuses across the country, many inspired by The Blanks. Leading this pack of cool is a quartet of friends, The Blanks, who appear on the worldwide syndicated television show Scrubs as “Ted's Band.” In a case of life imitating art (or is it art imitating life?), the group was written into the script as a quartet of friends who like to sing a cappella music. Bizarre, huh? Group member Sam Lloyd played the recurring role of character “Ted Buckland” on all nine seasons of Scrubs on NBC and later ABC, now airing on Comedy Central, TV Land, WGN, and a host of other local/regional channels just in the US. The show is on several times a day everywhere in the US, giving the Blanks a constant boob tube presence. The kids like it. Their parents like it. Sam is joined by Paul F. Perry, George Miserlis and Philip McNiven. In 2004, the Blanks released their debut CD, "Riding the Wave" (Parody Records). In 2008 they began touring. In 2008 they also made shirts.

Ps. There could be more, but then these guys would have to pay me for it... kidding, though you guys could send me a "The Blanks" gift basket, or that cash I mentioned.

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