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As Promised "SIX STRINGS" Magazine [Collection] is all Available on Facebook!

Well, good day... I wanted to share the whole collection of "SIX STRINGS" magazine on Facebook.... It ran for a two years and featured Movie, Music and More inside of 14 issues. Many of you may not have know I designed every page from cover to end and had some great contributing writers.

Our monthly magazine readership was only a couple hundred, but our site was still in the thousands... which is why we stopped publishing when the site numbers dropped drastically. We lost a couple of our supporters, which I hope to get back... as their concerns our attention dropped even though they received more coverage within the pages of "SIX STRINGS"... it was a great adventure, we interviewed some great people, covered some great stuff and as I said "great contributing writers"...

So if you could take the time to have a look, maybe share this post and know we thank you...
I will be tagging people within those pages where possible and well here is the link:
Jeremy [Six Strings]

1 comment:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Not on Facebook but I have downloaded most of the issues over the years.