American-Australian crime thriller western film, written and directed by Nia DaCosta in her directorial debut. It stars Tessa Thompson, Lily James, Luke Kirby, James Badge Dale and Lance Reddick. The film focuses on sisters Ollie (Tessa Thompson) and Deb (Lily James), who find themselves falling into the illegal world of the cross-border drug trade along the Canada–United States border after their mother dies.
Ollie Hale (Tessa Thompson) is on probation after being caught illegally crossing the border between North Dakota and Canada. She is determined to reinvent her life and with 8 days left on probation she has applied to find work in Spokane. Numerous opportunities to go back to her old way of life, including selling prescription medicine illegally and doing more work at the border, keep presenting themselves though Deb scraps by doing odd jobs for the construction workers who work nearby.
Ollie's sister Deb, who has become semi-estranged since their mother's illness and death, discovers she is pregnant and turns to Ollie for help. Deb is already a single mother to her son Johnny and is living in an illegally parked trailer. Ollie offers to sign over the title of their mother's house to Deb, however the house is due to be foreclosed on. Ollie manages to negotiate down the down-payment to prevent the foreclosure but the amount of money needed seems insurmountable to the sisters. Ollie is nevertheless determined to insure that Deb is alright before she leaves.
Ollie Hale (Tessa Thompson) is on probation after being caught illegally crossing the border between North Dakota and Canada. She is determined to reinvent her life and with 8 days left on probation she has applied to find work in Spokane. Numerous opportunities to go back to her old way of life, including selling prescription medicine illegally and doing more work at the border, keep presenting themselves though Deb scraps by doing odd jobs for the construction workers who work nearby.
Ollie's sister Deb, who has become semi-estranged since their mother's illness and death, discovers she is pregnant and turns to Ollie for help. Deb is already a single mother to her son Johnny and is living in an illegally parked trailer. Ollie offers to sign over the title of their mother's house to Deb, however the house is due to be foreclosed on. Ollie manages to negotiate down the down-payment to prevent the foreclosure but the amount of money needed seems insurmountable to the sisters. Ollie is nevertheless determined to insure that Deb is alright before she leaves.
Jeremy [Six Strings]
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