“Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order” is an action-adventure game set in the Star Wars universe, five years after the film “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith” and 14 years before “Star Wars: A New Hope.” “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order” follows a young Jedi Padawan named Cal Kestis as he is hunted through the galaxy by the Galactic Empire, while trying to complete his Jedi training and restore the now wiped out Jedi Order. The game was released on November 15, 2019 and has sold more than 8M copies to date.
Composers: Stephen Barton and Gordy Haab... Stephen Barton is British film and video game composer who has composed the music for dozens of major film, television and video game projects, including “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare,” “Titanfall,” “Apex Legends,” “Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away” (with James Cameron), and Disney's “Motorcity.”
Gordy Haab is a film, video game and television composer. His music has been featured in works associated with beloved franchises including most recently “Star Wars Battlefront II,” for which he won Video Game Score of the Year from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. Haab is also known for his work on Microsoft's “Halo Wars 2,” for which he was nominated for a 2017 HMMA award. His score for Electronic Arts' “Star Wars: Battlefront,” won three awards at the 2016 GDC G.A.N.G. Awards: Music of the Year, Best Interactive Score, and Best Instrumental Score. Gordy has also been nominated for a BAFTA Games Awards for his work on “Star Wars: Battlefront.”
Composers: Stephen Barton and Gordy Haab... Stephen Barton is British film and video game composer who has composed the music for dozens of major film, television and video game projects, including “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare,” “Titanfall,” “Apex Legends,” “Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away” (with James Cameron), and Disney's “Motorcity.”
Gordy Haab is a film, video game and television composer. His music has been featured in works associated with beloved franchises including most recently “Star Wars Battlefront II,” for which he won Video Game Score of the Year from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. Haab is also known for his work on Microsoft's “Halo Wars 2,” for which he was nominated for a 2017 HMMA award. His score for Electronic Arts' “Star Wars: Battlefront,” won three awards at the 2016 GDC G.A.N.G. Awards: Music of the Year, Best Interactive Score, and Best Instrumental Score. Gordy has also been nominated for a BAFTA Games Awards for his work on “Star Wars: Battlefront.”
Jeremy [Six Strings]
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