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MovieScore Media: "BELOW ZERO" music by Zacarias M. de la Riva

Netflix premiere on January 29, 2021, MovieScore Media is releasing the heart-pounding action drama score for the Spanish thriller Below Zero (Bajocero) with music by composer Zacarias M. de la Riva’s (Automata, Tadeo Jones). Co-written and directed by Lluís Quílez, the film tells the story of Martin (Javier Gutierrez), a policeman who has been tasked with transporting six dangerous prisoners in the middle of winter. When he gets flat tires on a lonely road, Martin soon realizes that he is in the middle of a complex plan that is not exactly the typical rescue mission he thought he’d face. Thus Martin must take refuge in the prison transport vehicle, forced to work together with his cargo of dangerous criminals if he wants to survive…

Zacarías M. de la Riva is one of the most versatile talents of the Spanish film music scene. A former student of telecommunication who then enrolled to the Berklee College of Music to study film music, de la Riva has already proven himself to be talented in every genre he’s come across. Previous de la Riva scores issued by MovieScore Media include his collaborations with Gabe Ibáñez Hierro (2009) and Automata (2014), the cinema-themed murder mystery Imago Mortis (2009), and two animations scores: the Indiana Jones-inspired adventure Tad, The Lost Explorer (2011) and the Mexican animated movie Un gallo con muchos huevos (2015).
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Jeremy [Six Strings]

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