Get the latest score from Howlin' Wolf Records “DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE”, “HOLIDAY HELL” and “GOOD TID

Quick Update: I have fallen and I can't get up!

My wife has taken away all my electronics for awhile, I fell on ice last Saturday and broke my ankle where the short of it is I have 8 screws and a new holding plate. I am heavy medicated and loopy, typing this I hope it makes sense. Now this is not the world's worst injury, I have never broke anything. I want to thank all my friends and family for all the support. I looked in my email folder there is like 650 emails, I cannot even pull enough to start looking at them.

I have a regular doctor's appointment today for some other issues, then it's bed rest for two solid weeks and then back to the other doctor for more... I have an iPad once in a while so I am on Facebook. My wife is sleeping right now, so she doesn't know I am here. Shhhhhhhh!

I will be back, I am really not used to this type of pain... sorry I am a wuss! I will try to catch up soon, thank you for your friendship and "I will be back"... I am going to duplicate this on my sites, so if have read this before... you have!

-Jeremy [Retro]


1 comment:

DEZMOND said...

wishing you a speedy recovery, J-man! You will be dancing in no time again!