Directed by Colin Theys, Deep In The Darkness follows the journey of Dr. Michael Cayle (Sean Patrick Thomas) who leaves the chaos of New York City for the quiet town of Ashborough, hoping to bring his family closer together. Soon after arriving, however, he discovers the town’s deepest secret: a terrifying and controlling race of creatures that live amongst the darkness in the woods behind his home.
After releasing Matthew Llewellyn’s Dead Souls two years ago, ScreamWorks Records and Kronos Records teams up with the composer once more to unleash one of the year’s most impressive horror scores. Llewellyn’s sweeping, ominous music for Deep In The Darkness evokes classic drama and horror, combining traditional and contemporary orchestral textures. The score was recorded with the Slovakia National Symphony Orchestra.
After releasing Matthew Llewellyn’s Dead Souls two years ago, ScreamWorks Records and Kronos Records teams up with the composer once more to unleash one of the year’s most impressive horror scores. Llewellyn’s sweeping, ominous music for Deep In The Darkness evokes classic drama and horror, combining traditional and contemporary orchestral textures. The score was recorded with the Slovakia National Symphony Orchestra.
Screamworks Records digital release of the score co-incides with the theatrical release of the film, and the CD release follows the airing of the film on Chiller (a division of NBC Universal).
Matthew Llewellyn’s musical background is grounded in the traditions of symphonic music for cinema as well as the modern movie making experience. He has been an integral member of composer Brian Tyler’s team working on high profile projects such as Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Now You See Me, The Expendables 2, and Final Destination 5. As a composer Llewellyn wrote additional music for Far Cry 3 and John Dies At The End. He also provided musical arrangements for the video games Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. Branching out with his own composing career, Llewellyn has scored three feature films for the Chiller Network, a division of NBC Universal, including Remains, Dead Souls and Deep In The Darkness. MORE INFORMATION: SCREAMWORKS [CLICK HERE]
Great score and if you have not read my interview with composer Matthew Llewellyn [CLICK HERE]!
Jeremy [Howlin' Wolf]
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