This explosive animated thrill ride is based on the comic "7723" by Wang Nima. NEXT GEN is an off-beat action/comedy that tells the story of the unlikely bond between a girl and her combat robot as they team up to defeat a madman's plans for domination. Set in a high-tech city of the future, Next Gen is a funny, exciting and heart-warming adventure that explores the bittersweet nature of memory and celebrates the value of friendship.
ABOUT ALEXIS & SAM... As one half of composing/production duo Alexis & Sam, Samuel Jones began building a film music studio out of a Hancock Park guest house in 2010 that has since produced scores and songs for feature films, short films, documentaries, TV series, art installations, musicals, trailers, and commercials. Alexis & Sam's film work has been heard at major festivals around the world including Sundance, SXSW, Tribeca, Slamdance, Edinburgh Film Festival, Los Angeles Film Festival, AFI Fest, and the Champs Ellysees Film Festival. As collaborators with Los Angeles visual artists such as Alex Israel and Morrisa Maltz, their music has been featured in gallery exhibitions worldwide, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santa Barbara, Peres Projects in Berlin, and Reena Spaulings Fine Art in New York City. In the television realm, Alexis & Sam's credits include commissions by Sesame Street and Nickelodeon, as well as TNT's Animal Kingdom. Alexis & Sam's studio has since relocated to Silverlake, where they house a growing collection of instruments and continue to produce songs and film scores.
ABOUT ALEXIS & SAM... As one half of composing/production duo Alexis & Sam, Samuel Jones began building a film music studio out of a Hancock Park guest house in 2010 that has since produced scores and songs for feature films, short films, documentaries, TV series, art installations, musicals, trailers, and commercials. Alexis & Sam's film work has been heard at major festivals around the world including Sundance, SXSW, Tribeca, Slamdance, Edinburgh Film Festival, Los Angeles Film Festival, AFI Fest, and the Champs Ellysees Film Festival. As collaborators with Los Angeles visual artists such as Alex Israel and Morrisa Maltz, their music has been featured in gallery exhibitions worldwide, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santa Barbara, Peres Projects in Berlin, and Reena Spaulings Fine Art in New York City. In the television realm, Alexis & Sam's credits include commissions by Sesame Street and Nickelodeon, as well as TNT's Animal Kingdom. Alexis & Sam's studio has since relocated to Silverlake, where they house a growing collection of instruments and continue to produce songs and film scores.
Jeremy [Six Strings]
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