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C2E2 [2020] and SIX STRINGS WAS THERE! [Part 4]

We were lucky enough to go to the convention and it gets better every year. Got to see a handful of stars, great costumes and more. Every year I try to see something different, so enjoy the classic, the strange and the cool!

c2e2 stands for the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo. It's the largest pop culture convention in the Midwest. c2e2 espouses that all nerds need a place to call home. Whether you're a fan of comic books, cosplay, video games, anime, TV shows, movies, books, wrestling, comedy, or anything else – c2e2 is your home for good and geeky times. February 28th - March 1, 2020. []

Jeremy [Six Strings]

1 comment:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nice to see some ladies in shape for their costumes.