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Retro-Zombie: Art and Words [Trailer]

Retro-Zombie: Art and Words
Okay, I am excited to let you know my book is just around the corner as I wait for my copy to make sure  that it looks okay. It will be available at: "AMAZON" and "CREATE-SPACE" so please check it out... maybe get one for you and a friend.
-Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]


Anonymous said...

love :)

Lorelei Bell said...

Hey!!! Good for you, Jeremy. You need to come for a visit for a party-book-retro-bash.

You know where I live. Talk to me. Send me stuff when it comes out and I'll put you up on Muse. (^; happy dancing in the street. Woohoo!

Lorelei Bell said...

I just went to Amazon and liked it--first person to do so!!!

Lorelei Bell said...

Also, I tweeted and then pinned it up on "Pinterest" - I have some followers there.

Unknown said...

thank you, thank you!