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HANSEL AND GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS...Hansel?...Hansel...Hansel?...

HANSEL AND GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS is a simple but fun story.  It looks like a colorful PG-13 HARRY POTTER but you immediately see that this fairy tale is for adults.  This film has blood and guts, violent fights, gruesome spells and a woman's bare bottom.  Actually back in the 80's we would have called this a 'kids film' too but the 90's kind of ruined that.  Speaking about HARRY POTTER I wonder what would happen if Hansel and Gretel visited Hogwarts.  Now that is a film I would want to see.

The story that takes place in H&G is not a very compelling one.  Hansel and Gretel are siblings who hunt witches for a living.  It is kind of easy for them since they are immune to the spells witches cast.  They are investigating a rash of kidnappings involving a large amount of children.  Maybe it is because I watch a lot of movies but all the twists and turns the movie takes are really predictable.  For instance at the beginning a woman is accused of being a witch and is saved by the two witch hunters.  Hansel (Oh, hey its that guy from THE AVENGERS!) checks her out for the signs of being a witch and clears her but you just know she is going to turn out to be one anyway.  The whole movie is like that.  Even though there is some character development it barely registers on the screen.  The love story between Hansel and the woman he saved at the beginning is touched upon and then quickly taken away at the end without leaving much impression on the audience.  Or at least me anyway.  I am not going to speak for everybody else.  I may have a blog but my ego isn't that big.  CLICK here to read the rest...



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The reviews on Rotten Tomatoes kept me away from this one. Shame, it could've been fun.

Jenny Krueger said...

I always ignore the reviews of movies because nowadays it's very rare to find a nice review of a film. I usually like movies a lot of people don't. This movie was cheesy good fun.

It's really nice to see Jeremy Renner kick some ass since they didn't give him that much screen time in The Avengers. Which was a shame cause this movie and other movies that he has been in you are able to see just how talented he is.

Him being in a movie that only gives him a total of 15mins of screen time is a waste of a good talent.