Following on the heels of recent groundbreaking animated films from China (including Ne Zha, 2020 & Jiang Ziya, 2021) comes the spectacular all-new anime action-adventure fantasy THE MONKEY KING: REBORN, landing on digital, Blu-ray™ and DVD December 7 from Well Go USA Entertainment. Playing off the three hugely popular Monkey King live action films, THE MONKEY KING: REBORN follows the short-tempered trickster after he is insulted while visiting a temple with his master Tang Monk. Outraged, he destroys a magical tree and accidentally releases the ancient King of Demons, who kidnaps Tang Monk as revenge for his long imprisonment. Now, Monkey King and his fellow disciples must rescue their master within three days, before the demon king regains his full power and unleashes his armies to destroy the earth. Directed by Wang Yun Fei (4-film Yugo & Lala franchise), THE MONKEY KING: REBORN features an all-new English dub for this release.
After short-tempered trickster Monkey King is insulted while visiting a temple with his master Tang Monk, he destroys a magical tree and accidentally releases the ancient King of Demons, who kidnaps Tang Monk as revenge for his long imprisonment. Now, Monkey King and his fellow disciples must rescue their master within three days, before the Demon King regains his full power and unleashes his armies to destroy the earth. Country of Origin: China THE MONKEY KING: REBORN has a runtime of approximately 96 minutes and is not rated.
And the giveaway, watch the trailer and answer this question? What is special about the "THE MONKEY KING: REBORN" and email your answer.
Jeremy [Six Strings]
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