The Djinn is co-written and co-directed by David Charbonier (The Boy Behind The Door) and Justin Powell (The Boy Behind The Door). The film stars Ezra Dewey (“Criminal Minds”), Rob Brownstein (“The Young and the Restless”), Tevy Poe (Redwood Massacre: Annihilation), Donald Pitts (“The Secrets We Keep”) and John Erickson (Sexually Frank). RLJE Films will release The Djinn on DVD and on Blu-ray.
Mute boy, Dylan (Ezra Dewey) finds a book of spells in the closet when he is left home alone in their new apartment by his father (Rob Brownstein) to work the night shift. Blaming himself for the recent death of his mother, Dylan summons a djinn to grant one wish. Now he must survive a night of sheer terror at the hands of the sinister creature to fulfill his heart’s greatest desire.
Jeremy [Six Strings]
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