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Magnolia Home Entertainment: RAGNAROK [BLU-RAY/DVD]

Directed by Mikkel Brænne Sandemose (COLD PREY – THE BEGINNING)
Written by John Kåre Raake
Starring Sofia Helin, Pål Sverre Hagen (KON-TIKI)

An archeologist is convinced the Oseberg Viking ship contains the answer to the mystery of Ragnarok, the end of days in Norse mythology. He mounts an expedition to “No Man’s Land” between Norway and Russia, which holds a secret more terrifying than he could possibly imagine.

Subtitled film, but very entertaining adventure... not that the titles below changes anything. I think it helps get the film a bit better. It's a great little tale of finding something that doesn't belong to you and what might happen if you take it. Great effects, not over the top story line and I cared about the characters...
Jeremy [Howlin' Wolf]


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