Get the latest score from Howlin' Wolf Records “DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE”, “HOLIDAY HELL” and “GOOD TID

10 YEARS and Counting!

Howlin' Wolf Records, working with some of the best composers: Stevan Mena - Gershon Kingsle - Penka Kouneva - Dean Parker - Tony Riparetti & Jim Saad - Robert Feigenblatt - Guillermo Guareschi - Vincent Gillioz - Imran Ahmad - Róbert Gulya - Wojciech Golczewski - Tony Riparetti - Kevin Riepl - Tim Krog - Iain Kelso - Nathaniel Levisay - Richard Einhorn - Kore Kosmou - Savage & Spies - Edwin Wendler - William Campbell - Terry Plumeri - Pablo Croissier - Rich Douglas - Brian Tyler - Bruno Valenti - Scott Glasgow - BC Smith

Jeremy [Six Strings]

1 comment:

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats on 10 great years