With DJANGO UNCHAINED coming out soon I figured I would give you guys a review of a "DJANGO" film. Director Guilio Questi's DJANGO KILL! is not a true "DJANGO" film. To cash in on Sergio Corbucci's popular film the studios or whoever decided to change the title and add the name "DJANGO" to the film so fans of the original could flock to the theaters and scream "WTF" at the screen. I guess in Italy there is no such thing as copy right infringement. You could call your movie whatever you want with the names of other characters from other movies with the same likeness and there is nothing anyone can do about it. In the case of films like DJANGO and SARTANA there are several films with the popular characters' names in the titles but have nothing to do with the originals. It is kind of a neat experiment to see the many different versions of the same film but from other directors. DJANGO UNCHAINED seems to be more like an homage to those films rather than the original DJANGO even though Franco Nero makes an apperance. Before you cry 'Foul' remember that Sergio Leone's best film (In my opinion) A FIST FULL OF DOLLARS is a complete ripoff of YOJIMBO. Of course you all knew that to begin with. I was just trying to sound smart. (Click here to read the rest.....)
If you are looking for other Italian Westerns that are related to DJANGO UNCHAINED then I recommend DJANGO of course and THE GREAT SILENCE. Both are directed by Sergio Corbucci and both are in my top ten favorite films of all time.
Here are links to my older reviews.
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