Get the latest score from Howlin' Wolf Records “DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE”, “HOLIDAY HELL” and “GOOD TID

Thank You... 2012!

Its has been a great year, I wanted to thank my Howlin' Wolf family and friends who brought record numbers in the last several months. I am happy to say we added several titles at Howlin' Wolf Records that includes these titles: MEAN GUNS by: Tony Riparetti, LAST BREATH by: Vincent Gillioz, BEREVEMENT by: Stevan Mena, TALES OF AN ANCIENT EMPIRE by: Tony Riparetti, A WARRIOR'S ODYSSEY by: Penka Kouneva, THE DEAD by: Imran Ahmad... with some great titles coming in 2013 [CLICK HERE] if you want any current release or upcoming.

We have added so many great sponsors and contributors our latest "Judgehydrogen" who has promised to bring you all some great MUSICK in the new year. Monstrous Movie Music adding their old school scores to our library, bringing back the classics. I cannot even believe all the cool things I was able to do and see this year interviews with directors, composers, music artist, etc. Going to awesome places "DAYS OF THE DEAD", "KOLLISION CON", "MIDWEST ANIME CON", "WHEATON HAUNTED HOLLOWEEN FLEA MARKET", etc.

It couldn't be done without you, I hope to bring you more photos from these conventions and more interesting music, soundtracks, groups, film reviews. See you all in 2013 and once again... THANK YOU for everything...
-Jeremy [Retro-Z]



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is awesome, Jeremy! Keep the success rolling.

Maurice Mitchell said...

Thank you Jeremy. Keep the awesomeness rolling along!