Millennium is an American television series created by Chris Carter, creator of The X-Files, that aired on the Fox Network between 1996 and 1999. The series follows the investigations of ex-FBI agent Frank Black (Lance Henriksen) now a consultant, with the ability to see inside the minds of criminals, working for a mysterious organization known as the Millennium Group. There was also a crossover episode of The X-Files titled "Millennium" that featured the Millennium Group and Frank Black.
This reissue features the same content as our previously sold-out 2008 release. The only difference is “Limited Edition of 1000 Units” has been printed on the back tray card. La-La Land Records and 20th Century Fox present renowned composer Mark Snow’s (THE X-FILES, SMALLVILLE, GHOST WHISPERER) score to the critically-acclaimed FOX series MILLENNIUM, created by Chris Carter (THE X-FILES) and starring Lance Henriksen (ALIENS, NEAR DARK, PUMPKINHEAD). Composer Snow creates indelible, hauntingly beautiful music that expertly melds the show’s dark horrors and its promise of hope. His powerful score expertly runs the gambit of emotions from unrelenting fear to redemptive love. CD Booklet features in-depth liner notes by Randall D. Larson and art design by Mark Banning. This is a Limited Edition of 1000 Units.
La-La Land Records and 20th Century Fox present a second volume of acclaimed composer Mark Snow’s (THE X-FILES, BLUE BLOODS, THE LONE GUNMEN) original score to the groundbreaking dramatic thriller television series MILLENNIUM, starring Lance Henriksen, Megan Gallagher and Terry O’Quinn, and created by Chris Carter (THE X-FILES). Haunting, soulful, terrifying and beautiful, Mr. Snow’s complex musical tapestry for this landmark show is an immersive experience to be treasured. This 2-CD presentation is a further exploration into the series’ most impressive musical moments – the perfect complement to the first volume of the show’s music (which has just been re-issued). Produced by Mark Snow, Nick Redman and Mike Joffe, and mastered by James Nelson, this new compilation of original tracks is limited to 2000 units and features exclusive, in-depth liner notes from writer Randall D. Larson, (which include interview comments from the composer, writer producers Frank Spotnitz and Chip Johannessen and music editor Jeff Charbonneau – as well as a forward quote from Lance Henriksen). Hauntingly soulful art design is by Mark Banning.
La-La Land Records |
Just Announced... I can only say "COOL"!
Jeremy [The Wolf]
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