The sixth and final season of the American television drama series The Americans, comprising 10 episodes, premiered on FX on March 28, 2018, the final season was announced in May 2016, when the series received a two-season renewal to conclude the series. The series moved back to its original time slot, Wednesdays at 10:00 pm, after airing on Tuesdays the previous season.
The events of the sixth season begin in late September 1987, three years after the conclusion of season five. The work of American artist Alyssa Monks was used as the artwork of Miriam Shor's character Erica Haskard, including a small number of pieces created just for the series.
-Keri Russell as Elizabeth Jennings, a KGB officer
-Matthew Rhys as Philip Jennings, a retired KGB officer
-Brandon J. Dirden as FBI agent Dennis Aderholt
-Costa Ronin as Oleg Igorevich Burov, a former KGB officer, now at the Soviet transport ministry
-Keidrich Sellati as Henry Jennings, Elizabeth and Philip's son
-Holly Taylor as Paige Jennings, Elizabeth and Philip's daughter
-Margo Martindale as Claudia, Elizabeth's KGB handler
-Noah Emmerich as FBI agent Stan Beeman
-Keri Russell as Elizabeth Jennings, a KGB officer
-Matthew Rhys as Philip Jennings, a retired KGB officer
-Brandon J. Dirden as FBI agent Dennis Aderholt
-Costa Ronin as Oleg Igorevich Burov, a former KGB officer, now at the Soviet transport ministry
-Keidrich Sellati as Henry Jennings, Elizabeth and Philip's son
-Holly Taylor as Paige Jennings, Elizabeth and Philip's daughter
-Margo Martindale as Claudia, Elizabeth's KGB handler
-Noah Emmerich as FBI agent Stan Beeman
Jeremy [Six Strings]
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