Shadowhunters (also known as Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments) is an American fantasy television series that is loosely based on The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, and developed for television by Ed Decter. It is the second adaptation of the novel series, after the 2013 film The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, which like Shadowhunters was produced by Constantin Film.
Shadowhunters is in its second season now, with the season finale to air 8/14/17.
Season 3 has been picked up and will air in 2018.
1. Ruelle - “This is the Hunt” (Shadowhunters Theme Song)
2. Alberto Rosende - “Royal Blue” sung by character SIMON, airs 7/24/17
3. Alberto Rosende - “Fragile World” sung by character SIMON, aired 6/19/17
4. Birthday - “Blood Rose”
5. Liam O’Donnell - “The Lifeboat”
6. Sierra Deaton - “Murmurs”
Jeremy [Six Strings]
Shadowhunters is in its second season now, with the season finale to air 8/14/17.
Season 3 has been picked up and will air in 2018.
1. Ruelle - “This is the Hunt” (Shadowhunters Theme Song)
2. Alberto Rosende - “Royal Blue” sung by character SIMON, airs 7/24/17
3. Alberto Rosende - “Fragile World” sung by character SIMON, aired 6/19/17
4. Birthday - “Blood Rose”
5. Liam O’Donnell - “The Lifeboat”
6. Sierra Deaton - “Murmurs”
Jeremy [Six Strings]
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