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Grind House Comics: Rowdy Roddy Piper "Monster Killer" - Joe Jusko

Grind House Comics ain’t your mama’s comic book company. We won’t hold your hand. We won’t tuck you in at night. All we do is bring together the top talent in the industry and give them the freedom to express their vision. Sometimes those visions may remind you the world isn’t always pretty. That sex and violence can go hand in hand and that the good guys don’t always win.

And all these years you thought he was just a bad-ass wrestler? Get the real scoop about Rod’s life, his mission, and the way he’s been secretly saving humanity for the past 30 years. Wrestling gave him the cover, but Rod’s real job isn’t something he chose – it was handed down to him by his ancestors, and now it’s time for Rod to pass it along – to the son who barely knows he exists.

Can you say "AWESOME", this was not do I have to think about it... nope! There is giveaway for a copy of this graphic novel and you to can see the great adventures of Piper told in the hands of Joe Jusko. What do you have to do, well... just ask?
Jeremy [Howlin' Wolf]

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