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Little Erin Merryweather [2012] - Paul Cristo

Little Erin Merryweather [2012]
Available: Now
Released By: KeepMoving Records
Composer: Paul Cristo

For More Details: [CLICK HERE]

“A flash of RED then thump you're DEAD!” goes the saying around a New England campus. Students mysteriously fall dead to a killer who seems to have been inspired by the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. This is the tale of Little Erin Merryweather (Vigdis Anholt), a doll-like beauty who was abused as a girl and can't cope with the trauma. When honor student Peter Bloom (David Morwick) takes an interest in the murders, he simultaneously gets to know Erin better - but will he escape the fate of his mates or become the next victim of Little Erin Merryweather?

5/5 What innocent evil should sound like!
-Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]


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