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Dark Horse Comics: New Releases [January 29, 2014]

Dark Horse Comics: New Releases
Click on BOOK TITLE to see them!

Series Launches!!
Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #1 <--- This is selling some incredible numbers right now. Fans are stoked. Joss Whedon is king. Get on board for issue #1!
Furious #1 <--- Bryan JL Glass! Furious kicks ass.
Series Finales!
Sledgehammer 44: Lightning War #3 <--- GAH! Mignola and Arcudi are crushing this mini series!
Conan and the People of the Black Circle #4 <--- Fred Van Lente brings his first Conan mini to a close to prepare for Conan: The Avenger!
Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #4 <--- Dan Jolley!
Never Ending #3 <--- DJ Kirkbride & Adam Knave!
Robert E. Howard's Savage Sword #7 <--- A fantastic REH Anthology!

Captain Midnight Volume 1 TPB <--- The 1st Cap'n Midnight trade collected!
Conan: The Phantoms of the Black Coast TPB <--- A new Conan OGN from Victor Gischler!
EC Archives: The Vault of Horror Volume 3 HC <--- NEW EC ARCHIVES! AWESOME!
Forbidden Worlds Archives Volume 3 HC <--- A classic archival addition. Check it out.
Gantz Volume 30 TPB <--- Brutal epic Manga!
Sherlock Holmes and the Vampires of London HC <--- Love Sherlock? READ THIS!

1 comment:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Need my Serenity fix! Dame FOX...