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Judgehydrogen: Musick of Uncertain Origin - Vol I

Musick of Uncertain Origin - Vol I
Music by: Judgehydrogen

 I am pleased to announce my new album “Musick of Uncertain Origin: Volume I” is now available.  These compositions are a collection of  sacred works that I have recorded over the years and held onto for that perfect moment.  That moment is now.  You will experience my Dark Ambient and Neo-Classical roots in these collections.   All of the songs have been beautifully mastered: for these works I utilized Analogue Mastering and the difference is amazing.   “A Body of Water,”  which was in the new Ethan Hawke film “Sinister,”  has been remastered and is the centerpiece of this collection.  Join me for this event.

5/5 Ask yourself are you disturbed are you hearing voices telling you to make steps... you shouldn't be making. Are those voices following you in your everyday, well if not listen to me and them when I say you need to take a real listen to the music by friend "Judgehydrogen". Silent whispers will bring you closer, I would recommend listening to this in the dark...
-Jeremy [Retro-Z]


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