I am going to get real stupid when describing the plot so bear with me on this one. I want to show how stupid the story is by being stupid myself. So a rich guy and a ninja watched THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN and THE TRANSFORMERS and decided to be bad guys and put a thing on top of a building that makes a poison cloud to poison the city for the sole purpose of being rulers of the world and really really rich. They are already rich but whatever. Don't pay attention to that part of the story. Teenage mutant ninja turtles show up and stop them. There are some hijinks that happen along the way, some weirdo shows up in what looks like an inflatable Whoopi Goldberg costume but very little in the way of real character development or bonding occurs. We the audience are never drawn into the story. Maybe we are amused by the colorful special effects and flashy camera work or distracted by the haphazardly strewn random shots of movement that make up most of the poorly staged fight sequences. In any case it looks like a wreck..
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