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MovieScore Media: Un gallo con muchos huevos (Little Rooster’s Egg-cellent Adventure) - Zacarías M. de la Riva

Coinciding with the film's American premiere on 4 September 2015, MovieScore Media presents Zacarías M. de la Riva’s s score to Un gallo con muchos huevos (Little Rooster’s Egg-cellent Adventure) - the first Mexican animated feature to receive a wide release in the United States. Distributed by Pantelion Films, the 3D animated adventure is written and directed by Gabriel Riva Palacio Alatriste who had previously directed Una película de huevos and Otra película de huevos y pollo, the precursors of this film. The new chapter in the story follows the adventures of a timid young rooster named Toto (Bruno Bichir) who summons the courage to fight an evil rancher whose plans threaten to destroy his home.

The score for Un gallo con muchos huevos was written by Zacarías M. de la Riva, one of the most versatile talents of the Spanish film music scene. A former student of telecommunication who then enrolled to the Berklee College of Music to study film music, de la Riva has already proven himself to be talented in every genre he’s come across. Previous de la Riva scores issued by MovieScore Media include the prior Gabe Ibáñez collaboration Hierro (2009), the cinema-themed murder mystery Imago Mortis (2009), the Indiana Jones-inspired animated adventure Tad, The Lost Explorer (2011) and Automata (2014) Gabe Ibáñez’s dystopian sci-fi starring Antonio Banderas.

"Un gallo is at its core a story about overcoming our fears with humility and hard work and also about the value of friendship” explains the composer, “so the music had to reflect those elements. Our main character Toto overcomes many obstacles to become a successful boxing-rooster, and it’s this story of self-improvement that is at the basis of the musical score ("Toto the Rooster"). Of course some of the music supports the comical parts with musical quotations and juxtaposition ("The Egg Godfather"). There were also a great deal of action sequences which required a suitably epic accompaniment ("League of the Egg Avengers", "Attack of the Vultures"). For me, animation is one of the most challenging genres - Un gallo was no different. But it was a lot of fun!"

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Just Announced!
Jeremy [The Wolf]

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