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The Wolfpack [BLU-RAY/DVD]

Six bright teenage brothers have spent their entire lives locked away from society in a Manhattan housing project. All they know of the outside is gleaned from the movies they watch obsessively (and recreate meticulously). Yet as adolescence looms, they dream of escape, ever more urgently, into the beckoning world.

Directed by  Crystal Moselle  Edited by Enat Sidi
Produced by  Crystal Moselle  Izabella Tzenkova  Hunter Gray  Alex Orlovsky
Executive Producers  Tyler Brodie  Louise Ingalls Sturges  Cameron Brodie  David Cross
Music by  Danny Bensi & Saunder Jurriaans with Aska Matsumiya

An interesting take on life as we know it, add only a movie... nothing else and you have this strange and yet cool world of this family. I would say "youth gone wild", but it's much deeper than that.... it's worth the time to see.

Jeremy [The Wolf]

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