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C2E2 [2015] - Part VIII

So this covers a good portion of the images, I have more to edit those I am going to share real soon. I want to thank Stephen for taking great photos, Howlin' Wolf Records for getting us there and to C2E2 for having a damn good show... looking forward to next year!

Honestly if you get the chance, this convention is worth the trip!
Jeremy [Howlin' Wolf]

Photographer: Stephen Bulow
Coverage by: Howlin' Wolf's Records
Video Coverage by: Jeremy Hawkins [The Wolf]
Hosted by: C2E2

All images and video is owned and operated
by Jeremy Hawkins unless other-wised marked.

C2E2: Saturday April 25, 2015 
C2E2: Insidious Chapter 3 [2015] - 4D Experience!
C2E2: People Places and Things!

1 comment:

Maurice Mitchell said...

I love the Flash Gordon cosplay but Batman running with the bomb wins the Internet.