Directed by Lee Cipolla, THE SHIFT is an authentic, emotional and thought-provoking ER drama. The film was written by Leo Oliva who used his bachelor’s degree in nursing as inspiration when penning the script. THE SHIFT won the Audience Favorite Award at the Palm Beach International Film Festival in 2013 and stars Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon franchise, The Color Purple, Angels in the Outfield), Leo Olivia, Casey Fitzgerald, Genesis Ochoa, and Sara Castro.
Trailer: [CLICK HERE]
Trailer: [CLICK HERE]
THE SHIFT takes place during one 12-hour night shift in an emergency room. On this night, a veteran nurse, a new nurse and their ethics are at odds. Floyd (Danny Glover) mentors the nurses as they face difficult cases and tough decisions. The veteran nurse believes in doing what is best for his patients, even if it means letting them die; the new nurse, on the other hand, believes in fighting for the patient until the very end, no matter what. Confronted with a young girl dying from cancer, beliefs are tested and actions challenged.
Jeremy [The Wolf]
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