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Rabid Love [Soundtrack]... Something that brings more to Your Ears!

Rabid Love [Soundtrack]

Note From the Producers: We are very proud of the amazing artists that provided Rabid Love with a totally 80's rocking soundtrack.  Be sure to check them out online, buy their albums, download their wonderful music, and support them on their respective social media sites!

Ruby Faith and the Waiting World
'All in the Name of Rock' , 'Rat Trap Town', 'Cry Alone' and 'White Heat'

Gene the Werewolf
'I've Got the Love', 'The Ballad of Gene' and 'Light Me Up'

R&R (Richard Skowronski/Richard Altman)
'Love Lies Deep' and 'Everywhere For Me'

The Clinton-Johnson Band

'If You Love Me' and 'He's Loving You'

This film "Rabid Love" features a fresh, yet great group songs that bring you to a time where you will enjoy the film and music. Nice accompaniment to bring you into a story to film to adding this to you soundtrack collection. [MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE]
Jeremy [Howlin' Wolf]

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