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DREDD: Why didn't any of you go see this film?

DREDD............It was violent. It was unapologetically rated R. It was smart so of course that means it bombs big time at the box office. You know what that means? Some movie studio big shots are going to say, "R rated action movies are out and PG-13 is back in. Somebody call Len Wiseman and tell him to direct all the DIE HARDS from now on." Dang it, people! This was a movie that needed our support. It did everything just about right. DREDD is a unique movie for this day and age. To me at least it was a special movie going experience. Oddly enough it was what the movie didn't do that made it so special.

Dredd and a new rookie police trainee are locked inside a large 200 story apartment building which is basically a small city by a highly organized gang run by a woman named Ma-Ma. With no way out the two ascend to the top floor to take down the gang leader and bring her to justice. Yea, its kind of similar to THE RAID. And like THE RAID, DREDD keeps the story and character back grounds simple. That is very important. DREDD spends little time explaining who Dredd is. He is a cop that judges bad guys and that is all you need to know. We don't have that scene where he is in his crummy apartment waking up from an all night bender getting a call from his partner to get up after being asleep all day. We don't see him stumble about his broken down kitchen grabbing any left over food he can find including left over pizza that fell on the floor and then putting it in a blender and drinking it like a real man. We don't see pictures of his dead/divorced wife and his son/daughter who is dead/not-talking-to-him-anymore. We get none of that stereotype stuff here. Dredd is left as a mystery. Only by the actions he takes throughout the film do we know what kind of person he really is.  Click to continue reading more......


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I went to see it! Thought it was great. Almost wiped out the memory of that awful version with Stallone. And the camera angles and effects were so unique.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I went and saw it, and I loved it. I think its disastrous box office draw though will ensure that Dredd is Dead.

That's quite a shame too. It's reviews were also quite decent.

I think that this movie did not have the right marketing at all. They could have taken a page from Prometheus and done some viral online marketing to catch the eye of internet website "Gawker" or "io9" with some short snips made especially for the film.

Jason said...

You guys are awesome and I agree they should done something better with the marketing. Thanks for the comments.