The new TOTAL RECALL isn't the worst remake in the world. It has
some truly great special effects. Just look at the robot stormtroopers
that are no doubt C.G.I. but look incredibly real like the T-Rex from
JURASSIC PARK. Whats-her-face from the UNDERWORLD movies is an
excellent bad guy. Nothing stops her from getting the job done. It is
total badass to see her intensity as she tries to capture/kill Quaid.
Colin Farrell isn't bad in the film. He is there doing stuff, I
suppose. The problem is that no matter what TOTAL RECALL sparkles and
dangles in front of the viewer's eyes it can't help but make you feel
like this whole movie is completely unnecessary. This movie has already
been made and it was called TOTAL RECALL and it was done better.
the first thing the new TOTAL RECALL does wrong is completely throw out
the mystery as to whether Colin's character, Quaid was an agent
working for the resistance or just some normal guy living the implanted
fantasy from the company Rekall that puts exciting vacations into your
mind. They flat out show you that Quaid is captured while trying to
escape with Jessica Beil in the opening scene! Remember in the original
TOTAL RECALL where Arnold is on the mountain on Mars with the pretty
lady and he falls and his space suit helmet breaks and his face gets all
contorted and gross? Those were good times. He wakes up realizing he
just had a nightmare. When you immediately see that his wife is not the
same woman in the dream you become suspicious as to maybe there was
some truth to that nightmare. This opening scene lays the foundation
for the later scene when that small guy from Recall (I think that is how
it was spelled in the original movie) shows up and tells
Schwartzen-Quaid that it was all just an implanted dream. For a moment
not only does Schwartzen-Quaid start to believe it but you as the
audience member does too. But then Schwartzen-Quaid sees the sweat
going down the small guys face and its Good-Bye to that guy! The new
TOTAL RECALL begrudgingly takes time away from the "amazing" PG-13
jumping action to have the same scene. This time however the moment is
nowhere near as badass or intense as the original. That is because we
already know that Quaid is a resistance fighter or agent or whatever he
is from the first freaking scene of the movie. Way to go, Len Weisman.
We don't need a big exciting slick chase scene to get the audience
entertained. We need the audience invested into the story based on the
mystery as to who Quaid is and how he is involved in the events around
We finally saw this one last week and I totally agree. It seems they threw the story out the window and just relied on cool CGI. The original was much better.
So funny, we literally just watched this last night! I've been putting it off for so long because I love the original. I hated the plot of this one and no MARS and no Kuato! I missed the martians and the good plot to save the air. The only thing I really liked in the new one was Colin Farrell didn't do half as bad as I thought he would, he was actually really great! If only they could have replaced the original with him instead of Arnold (who yes is hilarious in it, but we all know is a horrible actor) it would have made it an all time best!
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